Hiring Damage Contractors: Tips for Business Owners

Welcome to my blog. My name is Matt. A few years ago, my business was affected by a fire, and it also experienced a lot of water damage due to fighting the fire. Luckily, I found the best damage contractors, and they were able to save almost everything. The restoration and cleaning work was amazing. I certainly hope that no one ever has to endure that kind of damage to their business, but I also know that on some level, it is inevitable. Because of that, I decided to start this blog. In this space, I am going to write about hiring damage contractors as well as other tips. Please, explore and enjoy!

Has your ceiling started to sag?


How is your plaster ceiling looking? Homes built before the 1960s were frequently fitted with lath and plaster ceilings while 1970s homes more commonly have plasterboard ceilings. More recently built properties will have Gyprock ceilings. No matter what type of ceiling you have in your home, problems can develop over time that require expert help in order to repair or restore the ceiling to its former glory.

Here's what you need to know about repairing a damaged plaster ceiling.

Choose an expert team for your ceiling repair

If you will be letting tradesmen into your home, it is vital that you have confidence in their ability to complete the job quickly, professionally and without turning your home into something that resembles the aftermath of a battle. Look for a plaster ceiling repair company that only employs qualified and experienced staff. Ask them for testimonials confirming that they are fully insured and can work in a neat and tidy manner without spreading mess throughout your home.

Does a sagging plaster ceiling really matter?

If you notice that your plaster ceiling is starting to sag, don't make the mistake of leaving it and assuming that it will be okay. A sagging ceiling is potentially very dangerous for your family. A ceiling that has begun to sag will eventually collapse, which could not only damage your home but also seriously injure anyone at home during the collapse. Don't place your family in danger; it is far better to get your plaster ceiling assessed and repaired by experts before it deteriorates further.

What causes a sagging ceiling?

Every plaster ceiling will eventually need to be replaced. The length of time a plaster ceiling lasts depends on numerous factors, including the quality of the workmanship and the quality of the materials used. Simple screws holding up the sheets of a plasterboard ceiling could cause the ceiling to begin expanding in humid conditions. Eventually, the expansion will lead to the ceiling sagging and falling.

What's the remedy?

Minor damage to a plaster ceiling can be repaired by an experienced tradesman. If the ceiling proves to be badly damaged, then the whole ceiling will need to be taken down and replaced with a new, more stable ceiling. If you are unsure whether or not you will need to have your entire ceiling replaced, then it is advisable to talk to your local ceiling repair company. They will be able to provide you with a detailed quotation explaining exactly what needs to be done to make your plaster ceiling safe.


29 March 2019